Check your oxygen levels using the Mfine app

Mfine is a virtual hospital which provides all healthcare services online and it brings top hospitals online, using its app you can book lab tests, you can video consult and store you’r data

How Mfine is able to check the oxygen saturation levels

The app checks your oxygen levels by using a smartphones flashlight and camera to record the light reflected by you’r finger. It obtains a PPG (Photoplethysmogram) signal from the video using the RGB values of the light reflected from you’r finger. Then it takes information from the PPG signal to measures the variations of blood circulation and the time. Using this information it calculates you’r oxygen saturation. Mfine’s website –

The readings of a pulse oximeter have a ARMS of 2. In other words it can increase or decrease the value of oxygen saturation by 2 at max. The app that Mfine has developed has a ARMS of 3. Other than Mfine Samsung has also tried making an pulse oximeter using the infrared rays method.

This technology can help so many people as everyone will now have access to an oximeter and can be alerted about their low saturation level.

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